NEW VIDEO// Do Failed Florida Dems Agree With Biden That the Economy is ‘Strong as Hell’?

NEW VIDEO// Do Failed Florida Dems Agree With Biden That the Economy is ‘Strong as Hell’?

Tampa, FL – Joe Biden and his administration insist that the economy is in good shape. But since Biden took office, prices have soared, mortgage rates have skyrocketed, and American families are falling deeper into debt. Whether it’s skipping family vacations or having to choose between putting gas in their car or buying groceries, hard-working Florida families are feeling the impact of Bidenomics.

No amount of lies from Joe Biden can change the fact that Americans are spending hundreds of more dollars per month on everyday items than they were 3 years ago. Florida’s failed Democrats have been silent on this. Do they agree with the leader of their party that the economy is working for Floridians? They should let Floridians know where they stand on Bidenomics.

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