Do Failed Florida Democrats Support Mask Mandates?

Do Failed Florida Democrats Support Mask Mandates?

Tampa, FL – Democrats are once again using their government overreach and trying to force Americans to wear masks. These mask mandates trample all over Americans’ freedoms and are unconstitutional. Americans are smart enough to make their own decisions.

Senator Rick Scott has always stood up to Democrats’ attempts to strip Americans of their right to run their own lives. He fought to end mask mandates on planes and public transportation. Senator Scott will continue to stand up for freedom during this latest attempt by radical Democrats to reinstate mask mandates. One of the strengths of America is its individualism and Senator Scott knows that Americans will make the best decision for themselves.

The failed Florida Democrats have been silent on these renewed calls for mask mandates. We know that at least one of them supported a mask mandate in the past. Will they side with their government overreaching party and support forcing Floridians to wear masks?


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