Florida’s Failed Dems Remain Silent on the US Debt Crisis

Florida’s Failed Dems Remain Silent on the US Debt Crisis

Tampa, FL – On Monday, the United States reached $33 TRILLION in debt. To put this astronomical amount of money in perspective, here are some troubling facts about how much debt the US owes:

  • If we paid $100 per second, it would take over 9,000 years to pay off all our debt.
  • Our debt in dollar bills is enough to wrap around the globe more than 200 times, stretch to the moon and back at least 10 times, and cover the state of Florida nearly 2 times.
  • America’s debt in dollar bills weighs more than 300 aircraft carriers combined.

How much debt do we have to owe before Democrats stop spending Americans’ tax dollars so recklessly? $40 trillion? $50 trillion?

Floridians can’t afford to send any of the Failed Florida Democrats to the Senate. The last thing Floridians need in Washington is a rubber stamp for Biden and Schumer’s tax-and-spend agenda that’s leaving Americans in crippling debt.

Statement from Team Rick Scott Press Secretary Jonathan Turcotte: “Florida’s Failed Democrats need to be honest and tell Floridians if they support their Party’s reckless spending. Senator Scott has been one of the most outspoken Senators about the need to curb wasteful spending so we can get the rampant inflation we are experiencing under control. As Governor of Florida, he balanced Florida’s budget and cut taxes. In Washington, he’s fighting to shrink the federal government’s massive budget while trying to make it harder for politicians to raise taxes and fees on Americans. Meanwhile, Florida’s Failed Democrats are silent as Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer plunge our country deeper and deeper into debt.”


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