Does DMP Agree With Dems Blocking Aid to Israel

Does DMP Agree With Dems Blocking Aid to Israel

Tampa, FL – Today, Senator Rick Scott introduced House Republicans’ standalone funding bill for Israel. But it was blocked by Senator Patty Murray. It’s been one month since Iran-backed Hamas brutally attacked Israel, killing thousands, and taking hostages, including a number of Americans. One month after this horrific attack, Democrats are still playing politics with critical funding that Israel needs to defend itself against these savage terrorists.

Democrats want to tie aid for Israel to a massive spending package that includes funding for things that have nothing to do with Israel like bailouts for sanctuary cities. These political games are hurting our greatest ally in the Middle East at a time when they need our help the most. Does failed Florida Democrat-turned-Senate-candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell agree with her Dem colleagues blocking critical aid to Israel?

Statement from Team Rick Scott Spokesman Jonathan Turcotte: “Mucarsel-Powell has been silent when her fellow Democrats refused to condemn antisemitism on college campuses. She hasn’t said a word about the antisemitic lies her friends in the Squad are spreading about Israel and she said nothing when they voted to side with terrorists over Israel’s right to defend itself. And now, she’s silent after Senate Democrats blocked critical funding for Israel. She needs to tell Floridians what side she’s on TODAY.”


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