Biden Won’t Fix His Border Crisis Without Sending More Money Overseas

Biden Won’t Fix His Border Crisis Without Sending More Money Overseas

Tampa, FL – This week, the Biden administration made it clear that they’re going to use the border crisis they created as leverage to send more tax dollars overseas. The White House Press Secretary said that Joe Biden refuses passing border security measures unless it includes supplemental money for Ukraine. The border crisis spirals further out of control every day while the Biden administration delays much needed border security funding.

Meanwhile, American taxpayers are spending $451 BILLION per year to house and care for illegal immigrants and record numbers of suspected terrorists are being apprehended at the border. Biden’s border crisis is a danger to Americans and is costing our country billions of dollars that could be used to improve the lives of Americans. Yet the Biden administration doesn’t seem like they’re in a rush to fix it.

Joe Biden has failed to keep Americans safe by opening the border and refusing to support funding to secure it. Democrats never let a crisis go to waste and Biden’s border crisis no different. Securing our border should at the top of Joe Biden’s to do list. Instead, he’s using the border crisis as leverage to send more American tax dollars overseas. Next year’s election is critical to the safety and security of all Americans. We must elect a Republican majority in the Senate and retire Joe Biden. It’s time to stop playing political games with Biden’s unprecedented border crisis and get to work fixing this mess.


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