DMP Stays Silent on Harvard

DMP Stays Silent on Harvard

Tampa, FL – Antisemitism has been on the rise on college campuses since the brutal terrorist attack on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas. But that’s not stopping leaders of America’s most elite colleges from making pathetic statements about what is happening on college campuses. Last week, presidents of Harvard, Penn, and M.I.T. refused to say whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates their student code of conduct. Since then, the president of Penn rightfully resigned. However, Harvard is standing by their president after her pitiful remarks.

Statement from Team Rick Scott Spokesman Jonathan Turcotte: “It shouldn’t be difficult to condemn antisemitism and punish students who call for the genocide of the Jewish people. Yet, we all witnessed the leaders of some of America’s most elite colleges refusing to do just that. Senator Rick Scott is leading the fight to hold these terrorist-sympathizing colleges accountable by demanding an immediate vote on his legislation that would prohibit colleges and universities that allow antisemitic events on campus from participating in programs funded by tax dollars. Senator Scott has been adamant that all taxpayers grants and funds should be revoked from Harvard after doubling down on their president’s statements. Meanwhile, failed Florida Democrat-turned-Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell refuses to speak out against last week’s disgusting testimony and Harvard’s refusal to hold their president accountable. Apparently, she’s too busy posting on China’s spy app TikTok to condemn antisemitism or say if she agrees with President Biden, who even found the words to condemn these universities.”


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