Debt-Junkie Debbie

Debt-Junkie Debbie

Rick Scott for Senate

Tampa, FL – This week, Joe Biden unveiled his monstrous $7.3 trillion budget with $5.5T in tax hikes. This is amidst one of the worst economies since the great recession.

Meanwhile, economists are starting to wonder whether the Biden Administration will ever be capable of getting inflation down. Inflation this week continued to tick up, while Biden and top Democrats continue to tout the “successes” of Bidenomics to the American people.

Statement from Team Rick Scott Spokesman Will Hampson: “Democrats claim Bidenomics have been so ‘successful’ that the American people can no longer afford gas, groceries, or even consider buying a car or a house. Now Biden wants to continue to spend us into oblivion, all while being unwilling to recognize that everyday Floridians are hurting. Congresswoman Mucarsel-Powell has shown she will be a rubber stamp for Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer. It’s why voters dumped Mucarsel-Powell after one term in the House, and why they are going to overwhelmingly reject her again in November. Meanwhile, Senator Scott will continue to take on big spenders in Washington, regardless of if they are Democrats or Republicans.”

Senator Rick Scott has a long record of opposing tax and free hikes. As Governor of Florida, he cut taxes every single year, more than 100 times in those eight years saving Florida families and businesses more than $10 billion. In the US Senate, he is fighting to make it harder for politicians to raise taxes and fees by championing a constitutional amendment that would require a 2/3 majority vote for any legislation that raises taxes or fees on the American people. He got this done as Governor of Florida and won’t stop fighting to get this done for all Americans.


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