Senator Rick Scott Launches “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” Coalition

Senator Rick Scott Launches “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” Coalition

Rick Scott for Senate

Announces Support from 550 Florida Small Businesses, Florida Chamber & NFIB

Largo, FL – Today, Senator Rick Scott held a press conference with business leaders to announce his “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” coalition. The coalition is made up of 550 small businesses from every county in the Sunshine State that are supporting Senator Scott’s re-election to the U.S. Senate thanks to his record of success for Florida’s job creators. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and the Florida Chamber of Commerce also announced their endorsements during the event.

In the coming weeks, Senator Scott will travel across Florida visiting with small businesses to highlight the coalition and hear from Florida job creators.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m excited to announce the ‘Small Businesses for Rick Scott’ coalition and honored to have the support of so many job creators from every corner of Florida, spanning all 67 Florida counties. My first business was a donut shop that I bought so my mom could have a job. I know firsthand how difficult it is to run a small business and am lucky enough to have grown up in a country where someone like me, who grew up in public housing, can live the American dream. Unfortunately, the American dream is slipping away from millions of small business owners thanks to the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spend agenda.

“Inflation is at record highs and small business optimism is at record lows. Yet, Joe Biden and the Democrats refuse to change course. When I was Governor, we proved that getting government out of the way, cutting taxes and reducing burdensome regulations make it easier for businesses to succeed and create jobs. We have to do the same thing at the federal level. I’m fighting every day against Bidenomics and the Democrats’ reckless spending and pushing to make it harder to raise taxes on businesses. I’m grateful to have the support of so many Florida businesses and I look forward to continuing to work with them when I’m re-elected to keep Florida the most business-friendly state in the nation.”

Mark Wilson, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce said, “No one fights harder for jobs than Senator Rick Scott, and the Florida Chamber of Commerce is proud to endorse his re-election. Senator Scott was Florida’s jobs governor, and we were proud to work with him every year to reduce taxes, excessive litigation and nonsensical regulations which helped lead to the incredible economic growth we see in Florida today. As Senator, he’s continued to focus on reining in wasteful spending and getting government out of the way so local businesses can thrive. We look forward to him continuing to serve as Florida’s voice for jobs and a strong economy in Washington!”

Walter Carpenter, NFIB Leadership Council Chairman said, “As a former small business owner, Senator Rick Scott has always had our back! During his time as governor, Senator Scott transformed Florida into one of the most business-friendly states in the country which led to resounding growth in our small business community. He understands that less government, not more, is the key to creating an environment where businesses can grow and create jobs. We’re proud to have a leader like Senator Scott in Washington, and we look forward to continuing to work with him to fight against job-killing policies and fight for an economy where businesses across the nation can succeed.  Every time we have an issue in Washington, we know we can call Senator Scott who will answer our call and advocate for us!”

Senator Scott is fighting to rein in reckless and wasteful spending and pass the same policies that helped turn Florida’s economy around, including:

  • The Let’s Get to Work Act which encourages Americans to return to the workforce after Democrats’ insane lockdown measures.
  • The Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act to reduce burdensome regulations and more efficiently dispose of outdated, duplicative, or unnecessary agency regulations.
  • Pushing back on Democrats’ Green New Deal (aka Green Job Killer) that would destroy Florida’s economy, which is cosponsored by Florida Democratic Senate candidate, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.
  • Passing his “Buy American” resolution that encourages Americans to buy American-made products whenever possible.
  • Putting America first by focusing on building up the American economy and not relying on foreign adversaries.
  • Fighting to pass his constitutional amendment that requires a 2/3 majority vote for any legislation that raises taxes or fees on American families.
  • Holding Democrats accountable for their wasteful and reckless spending of American tax dollars.

As Florida’s governor, Senator Scott completely turned the economy around by:

  • Cutting taxes more than 100 times, saving Florida families and businesses more than $10 billion.
  • Streamlining the permitting process for businesses.
  • Eliminating nearly 5,400 burdensome regulations.
  • Cutting licensing fees 13 times, saving Florida businesses and professionals more than $19 million.
  • And Florida businesses created nearly 1.7 million jobs!

Below are quotes from some of the business leaders endorsing Senator Rick Scott for re-election:

Tampa Bay Region

Tony Selvaggio, CEO of eSmart Recycling said, “Rick Scott’s unwavering support for small businesses in Florida has been instrumental in driving our success. His policies have created a pro-business environment that allows us to thrive and innovate. Let’s re-elect Rick Scott to the Senate and continue this positive momentum.”

Scott Levinson, Owner of Ottomanelli Wholesale Meats, Inc. & Levco Worldwide said, “Rick Scott’s proven track record of supporting small businesses in Florida speaks volumes. His initiatives to cut taxes and streamline regulations have directly benefited entrepreneurs like me. I wholeheartedly endorse Rick Scott for re-election to the Senate to continue championing our economic interests.”

Paula Jager, Owner of Jaguar CrossFit said, “Rick Scott understands the challenges and opportunities faced by small business owners in Florida. His leadership in championing pro-business initiatives has been instrumental in driving our state’s economic prosperity. Let’s stand together and re-elect Rick Scott to the Senate for a brighter future for small businesses in Florida.”

Amanda Loeffler, Owner of I Need A Notary LLC said, “I just wanted to express my appreciation for how Senator Rick Scott has supported my small business over the last couple of years. I handle international documents, and there are times where they get stuck in the cogs at the Department of State. Senator Scott has been my hero on multiple occasions where he has worked with us to expedite our clients so that they do not get stuck and can go where they need to. Thank you, Senator Scott!”

Louis Capdevila, Owner of La Teresita Restaurant said, “As a small business owner in Florida, I have seen firsthand the positive impact of Rick Scott’s policies on our local economy. His commitment to cutting taxes and reducing regulations has empowered us to grow and create jobs. I proudly endorse Rick Scott for re-election to the Senate.”

Miami Region

Jorge I. Lopez and Rhonda Rebman Lopez, Owners of PECO International Electric said, “We are proud to endorse Senator Rick Scott for re-election! Since his time as governor, he has always been a champion for local businesses like ours. He understands that businesses – not the government – create jobs. That’s why he fights for lower taxes and less government regulations. We have no doubt that he will continue to advocate for us in Washington when he’s re-elected in November.”

P.J. Mitchell, Owner of Mitchell & West, LLC said, “Senator Rick Scott knows what it takes to run a successful business and we’re happy to have him advocating for us in Washington. He was Florida’s jobs governor who transformed Florida into one of the best states to own a business. He’s taken that same approach with him to the Senate where he’s fighting to make Washington work for Florida businesses. We are proud to endorse him!”

Michele Merrel, Owner of Merrell Consulting Group said, “Senator Rick Scott has been a fierce advocate for local businesses across Florida and we’ve seen firsthand the impact it has had on our business. He understands that businesses need safe communities and low taxes to thrive. And that’s exactly what he’s fighting for in Washington. We are proud to endorse him for another term in the U.S. Senate.”

Bettye Chaplain, Owner of Chaplin Construction Corp. and Property Management said, “Florida is one of the best states in the country to own a business because of leaders like Senator Rick Scott. Since his time as governor, Senator Scott has fought for a Florida economy that allows small businesses like ours to thrive. He knows what it takes to run a successful business and ran for governor because he saw the American dream slipping away from so many Florida business owners. He’s continued to advocate for local businesses in Washington and we are proud to endorse him for re-election. We’re fortunate to have Senator Rick Scott at the helm of Florida and we’re smart to know it!”

Steve Stern, Founder of The Flag Shirt said, “Senator Scott is accessible and responsive. No one else I know in the House, or the Senate does that. He’s one of the best in America. He listens and responds. I am proud to endorse him for another term in the U.S. Senate.”

West Palm Beach Region

Tim Dornblaser, Owner of Nobo Brewery said, “As a small business owner, it’s encouraging to see elected leaders like Senator Scott who know what it takes to run a successful business. Since his time as governor, he’s fought to run the government like a business. I know he will continue to fight for businesses like mine when he’s re-elected in November. That’s why I am proud to endorse Senator Rick Scott for re-election to the U.S. Senate.”

Mary Lynn Mager, Owner of HeartCare Imaging, Inc. said, “We are proud to endorse Senator Rick Scott for re-election! Since his time as governor, he has always been a champion for local businesses like ours. He understands that businesses – not the government – create jobs. That’s why he fights for lower taxes and less government regulations. We have no doubt that he will continue to advocate for us in Washington when he’s re-elected in November.”

Harry Howle, Owner of Harry Gandy Howle and Associates said, Whether it’s lowering taxes, cutting regulations, or being accessible to his constituents, Senator Scott has always had the backs of small businesses. As governor, he saved small businesses billions by cutting taxes. In Washington, he’s fighting to make it harder for politicians to raise our taxes. He understands what it’s like to run a successful small business and he has used that experience to put pro-business policies in place. We wholeheartedly endorse Senator Rick Scott for re-election!”

Orlando Region

Gil Padua, Owner of Padua Financial Services LLC said, “I am inspired by Senator Rick Scott’s character and his leadership, work ethic, and values. Throughout his time as Governor and now as Senator, he has worked nonstop to make Florida the best place for businesses and families to succeed. Senator Scott’s trajectory, from growing up in public housing, to having success in business to running for Governor as an outsider, show his resilience, and he is committed to making sure every child has the same opportunity he did to succeed. I am honored to support Senator Rick Scott’s re-election and look forward to all he will accomplish in the next six years.”

Maria Del Pilar Campos, Real Estate Agent said, “I’ve had the privilege of knowing Senator Rick Scott since his tenure as Governor of Florida. His economic initiatives, which supported small businesses, created over a million jobs. Senator Scott’s actions as Governor to cut taxes and make life more affordable for businesses and families garnered him the respect of many, myself included. As a Senator, his dedicated efforts on national security and veteran affairs have been commendable. Given our shared core values and his unwavering commitment to democracy, I wholeheartedly continue to endorse Senator Rick Scott.”

Hector Ariza, Owner of Arixza Corporates LLC said, “I never gave up on my dream to become an entrepreneur and worked hard taking care of my family. in 2010, I had the chance to open an appliance store as a partner. Two years later, I started investing in real estate and managing properties. After 16 years as a central Florida resident, I have witnessed the hard work of Rick Scott representing our Latin community first as our governor and now as our U.S. Senator. His values, principles and work ethic are some of the traits I value in a public servant. For that reason, I fully endorse and support Rick Scott for U.S. senator in 2024.”

Arley G. Avila, CEO / Founder of American Explorer Academy LLC said, “I am eager to discuss ways in which we can continue to uphold the values and ensure a prosperous future for all Americans. That’s why I fully support the re-election of Senator Rick Scott, a man of impeccable work ethics who supports the values that are  imperative for me as a business owner in the state of Florida.”

Daisy López Cid, Owner of Remax Town Center and Properties said, “I support Senator Rick Scott because he has a proven track record of being great for Florida and our small businesses. His dedication to our community goes beyond politics; he’s not just a politician, he’s our friend. His initiatives have consistently uplifted our economy, provided opportunities for growth, and championed the interests of everyday Floridians. With Senator Scott, we have a leader who listens, understands, and actively works to make our state a better place for all.”

Jacksonville Region

Rep. Dean Black, Owner of Aamco Transmissions and Black’s Natural Farms said, “Joe Biden has created the worst economy for small businesses in my lifetime, and instead of working to make life easier for us, his allies in Congress passed a bill hiring 87,000 additional IRS agents to target America’s small businesses. We need Rick Scott in the Senate to continue serving as a voice of reason for economic prosperity.”

Mike Zaffaroni, Owner of Liberty Landscape Supply said, “As our Governor, Rick Scott changed the way Florida does business. He created more jobs and freed up more businesses to compete and be successful, thereby creating one the most vibrant economies in the country and the best place to be in business. I work hard in my small business to help it grow and create jobs. We need more leaders in Washington like Rick Scott, who will protect us from the tax-and-spend mentality that persists and instead allow us to succeed in the free enterprise system that has made this country the best in the world. Senator Rick Scott is the clear choice for Florida’s small business owners!”

Fort Myers – Naples Region

SunCoast Contractors Supply said, “Rick Scott’s pro-business policies continue to empower us in our mission of delivering success to our customers, co-workers, and company through serving one another. He stands behind family-owned enterprises like SunCoast Contractors Supply, making him the ideal candidate to continue championing our interests in the Senate.”

Sandy Stilwell Youngquist, Owner of Stilwell Enterprises said, “I am endorsing Senator Rick Scott for a number of reasons. First of all, he did a great job as our Governor of Florida. He made many positive changes and implemented many good policies that continue today.

When he chose to run for the US Senate, I was very pleased.  I knew that he would do his best to make some positive changes to the US Government with implementation of fiscally responsible policies. It’s hard when we don’t have a Senate majority.  That’s why I work hard supporting both House and Senate races. We need both to truly make effective change.

In these turbulent times that we are in, I appreciate his efforts in helping stress the need to keep our students safe no matter what their political view is, no matter what their religion is, and certainly no matter what their race or gender is. He has the vision, experience and talent to get the job done.”

Michael Thompson, Owner of Sunrise Realty said, “Sen. Rick Scott it’s a proven leader fighting for American jobs and prosperity and is exactly what Florida needs representing us in the United States Senate. It is an honor to support and endorse Sen. Scott for his upcoming election and he has the full support of everyone at Sunrise Realty Network, Inc.”

Bill Daubmann, Founder of My Shower Door said, “I’m hoping you can join along with me as we support Senator Rick Scott as he runs for re-election this fall. If you remember, Rick was Governor back when Florida was really hurting. His campaign slogan, “Let’s get to work” really rang true for us. We went from our 22 employees to our current 193 employees. He’s continued to make Florida a great place to live to bring up a family. Now that he’s in the Senate, his conservative leadership, his fiscal responsibility is exactly what we need. So please join along with me and let’s support Senator Scott as he runs for re-election.”

Pensacola – Panama City Region

David Bear, CEO of The Lewis Bear Company said, “Senator Rick Scott is a true advocate for the panhandle of Florida and local businesses. His unwavering support for our region has been proven time and time again, which is why The Lewis Bear Company proudly endorses him. Our family has a long-standing relationship with Senator Scott, and we will never forget him calling my mother to share his kind thoughts the day my father passed. We have seen first-hand the positive impact he has made on our economy. Whether it was his support for major infrastructure appropriations or the creation of Triumph Gulf Coast in the aftermath of the BP oil spill, his focus on regional representation, or his commitment to helping small businesses thrive, we know that Senator Scott is the right choice for our community.”


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