ICYMI: Senator Rick Scott Announces “Cubans for Rick Scott” Coalition in Miami

ICYMI: Senator Rick Scott Announces “Cubans for Rick Scott” Coalition in Miami

Rick Scott for Senate

Hialeah Gardens, FL – In case you missed it, yesterday Senator Rick Scott was joined by Cuban leaders to commemorate Cuban Independence Day and announce the “Cubans for Rick Scott” coalition. Senator Scott slammed the Biden Administration’s decision to remove Cuba from the list of countries that do not fully cooperate against terrorism. Senator Scott and the Cuban leaders reaffirmed their commitment to fighting for freedom in Cuba and Latin America, as Joe Biden and Florida Democrats have turned their back on Latin America, appeasing murderous dictators and embracing socialism. See below for coverage of yesterday’s event.

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Courting Cuban voters, Rick Scott says Biden ‘turned his back’ on Latin America

Miami Herald

Max Greenwood

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott used a campaign stop in Hialeah Gardens on Monday to rebuke President Joe Biden over his approach to Cuba and democracy in Latin America, accusing the president of appeasing authoritarian regimes throughout the region.

Flanked by U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, state Rep. Alex Rizo and Miami-Dade County Commissioner René Garcia at the Assault Brigade 2506 Honorary Museum, Scott launched into a speech – in both English and Spanish – condemning the Biden administration’s decision to remove Cuba from a short list of countries that the U.S. alleges are “not cooperating fully” with anti-terrorism efforts.

“This decision to remove Cuba from the list of countries that support terrorism — with no evidence, zero, no evidence — is wrong,” Scott said. “But you look at everything Biden’s done, he’s turned his back on Cuba and Venezuela and Nicaragua and Colombia. He’s turned his back on any fight for liberty and freedom. He doesn’t care.”

Scott’s remarks came as he announced the launch of “Cubans for Rick Scott,” a coalition of Cuban-American leaders who are backing the first-term U.S. senator’s reelection bid. The appearance – which coincided with the 122nd anniversary of Cuban independence – marked the latest effort by Scott to tighten his grip on a key Republican electorate in South Florida as he looks to notch a victory among Hispanic voters in November.

Yet Scott said that the Biden administration’s decision on Cuba was representative of what he said was the president’s overall lack of interest in or concern about Latin America.

“They don’t care,” Scott said. “They don’t care about Cuba. They don’t care about Venezuela. They don’t care about Nicaragua. It’s disgusting.”

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En caso de que se lo haya perdido : El Senador Rick Scott anuncia la coalición “Cubans for Rick Scott” en Miami

Hialeah Gardens, FL – En caso de que se lo haya perdido, el Senador Rick Scott se unió ayer a los líderes cubanos para conmemorar el Día de la Independencia de Cuba y anunciar la coalición “Cubanos con Rick Scott”. El Senador Scott criticó la decisión de la Administración Biden de eliminar a Cuba de la lista de países que no cooperan plenamente contra el terrorismo. El Senador Scott y los líderes cubanos reafirmaron su compromiso de luchar por la libertad en Cuba y América Latina, ya que Joe Biden y los demócratas de Florida han dado la espalda a América Latina, apaciguando a los dictadores asesinos y adoptando el socialismo. Vea a continuación la cobertura del evento de ayer.

Haga clic AQUÍ o en la captura de pantalla arriba para verlo.


También puede leer el artículo completo en el Miami Herald AQUÍ. 



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