Sen. Rick Scott New Video: It’s Time to Throw Out the DC Status Quo

Sen. Rick Scott New Video: It’s Time to Throw Out the DC Status Quo

Rick Scott for Senate

Tampa, FL – Today, Senator Rick Scott released a new video calling out the status quo in Washington and why yesterday’s leaders of both parties need to be thrown out. The video release follows Senator Scott’s announcement that he will run for Republican Senate Leader in November to drastically change the status quo in Washington. As leader, he will fight for a fresh new approach because the old way in Washington is not working and the status quo is not fixing the real problems that are destroying the lives of regular, working Americans.

Senator Rick Scott said, “How do we stop inflation and reverse it so a working family can afford a decent dinner? How do we secure our border so illegal aliens aren’t free to wander around our country and murder a young college woman out for a jog in Georgia? How do we turn things around and punish and stop crime instead of letting it get out of control and destroy our communities? Senate Republicans should be leading the way on these things, but we aren’t.

“I believe it is because we have two Republican Parties in America. One is in Washington. It’s a tired, old, Republican party led by establishment insiders. It is out of touch, not only with our problems but with our people. It cuts deals with Chuck Schumer. It has secret votes and secret agendas. It’s the ‘go along to get along’ crowd. It’s yesterday’s Republican Party and it hasn’t made a dent in our problems in years. But I’ve got some really good news: There is another Republican Party, a real Republican Party outside of Washington. It’s the one Washington Republicans ignore. It’s the one that respects working people and their families and their beliefs. It’s the one that’s tired of being sold out, tired of being thrown under the bus, tired of the Washington status quo. It’s the one that supports Donald Trump, instead of undermining him all the time. These old establishment Republicans have had their day. It’s time for a change and a fresh, new approach. We can fix all of our country’s problems. I’m confident about that. But first, we Republicans need to clean up our own house in Washington. More of the same won’t cut it. That’s why I am running for reelection to the U.S. Senate and for Republican Leader.”

Click HERE or the screenshot below to watch.

Video transcript:

What if I told you there’s a magical place where they can print money and you never have to pay your bills? A place where spending money you don’t have is good, term limits are bad, and border security doesn’t matter.

It’s a place where they don’t care about crime or inflation. And where you can invent your own truth. Here it is! It’s called Washington and it’s time to throw the old leaders of both parties out!



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