WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” Coalition

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” Coalition

Rick Scott for Senate

Tampa, FL – Earlier this month, Senator Rick Scott launched the “Small Businesses for Rick Scott” coalition, made up of 550 business owners from every county in the Sunshine State. Since then, business leaders from across Florida have voiced their support for Senator Scott and his strong pro-business, pro-growth record. They know that the Democrats’ anti-business agenda is bad for Florida and bad for business. That’s why these business owners support Senator Scott’s re-election to the U.S. Senate.


Here’s what they are saying:

In the Fort Myers News-Press:

Rick Scott best for economy

“Senator Rick Scott has said time and time again that the government should run like a business. That’s what he did in Florida by paying down state debt and living within the state’s means, and that’s what he fights for in Washington. It’s these kind of policies that allow our economy and small businesses like mine to thrive and create jobs. I trust Senator Scott to turn our economy around and because he knows how to do it – unlike politicians in D.C. that are spending our tax dollars into oblivion. I worry for the future of my business with four more years of Bidenomics. We can’t let it happen, which is why I’m proud to support Senator Rick Scott. He has what it takes to bring Florida’s success to the nation, and make sure every small business has the opportunity to succeed.”

-Bill Daubmann, South Fort Myers




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