Biden Bails Out Leading FL Senate Candidate While Americans Struggle

Biden Bails Out Leading FL Senate Candidate While Americans Struggle

Rick Scott for Senate

TAMPA, Fla. – This week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report which stated the fiscal year 2024 federal budget deficit will be $1.9 trillion, $400 billion more than was estimated in February.

The report points to out-of-control spending from the Biden Administration as the root cause. In large part, they blame Biden’s student loan bailout.

The CBO report also said the federal government is expected to run a $24 trillion deficit over the next decade.

Meanwhile, Biden’s endorsed Florida senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is making out well as a result of these policies. Despite owning a $3 million home, taxpayers will be forced to pay off thousands in her student loans. She remains silent while Floridians beg for help.

Statement From Team Rick Scott Spokesman Will Hampson: “Joe Biden has spent money like a drunken sailor, and now the consequences are becoming very real. As our national debt stands at nearly $35 trillion, every man, woman, and child in America owes a share of nearly $100,000. Meanwhile, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is staying silent as she has her loans paid off by taxpayers. She is a hypocrite and voters will once again reject her this year.”



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