Florida Democrats Put Radical Unions Before Parents

Florida Democrats Put Radical Unions Before Parents

Tampa, FL – This week is National School Choice Week which highlights the importance of empowering parents to make decisions about their kids’ education. Florida Democrats, specifically their leading Senate candidate, are strongly opposed to allowing parents to decide where their children attend school. Anti-school choice Democrats think they know better than parents when it comes to their child’s education. It’s not surprising given the fact that Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s campaign is funded by far-Left teachers unions who pushed for school closures well after the COVID pandemic was under control.

While he was Florida’s Governor, Senator Scott signed bills to strengthen Florida’s education system and safeguard it from Washington politicians who want to take parents’ rights away. As Senator, he has traveled across the state to hear from Florida parents about the importance of school choice. Senator Scott is also fighting to elect School Board members who believe that parents, not the government, should decide where their children attend school. Read more about how Senator Scott is fighting for parents’ rights in point number 1 of his Rescue America Plan.

Statement from Team Rick Scott Spokesman Jonathan Turcotte: “Democrats want radical politicians to control every aspect of Floridians’ lives, including where and how Florida children are educated. It’s a shame that Florida Democrats like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell think that politicians know better than Florida parents when it comes to educating their children. Floridians have rejected her once – and they will do so again later this year.”



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