Bidenflation Strikes Again

Bidenflation Strikes Again

Rick Scott for Senate

TAMPA, Fla. – Today, Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor show Bidenomics continuing to fail American families.

According to the CPI release, the price of bacon has increased 6.9%, beef 5.7%, rent 5.4%, bread 4.2%, and sugar 3.9% over the year.

Despite the evidence that prices continue to go up, and that those price increases are hurting American families, Democrats continue to say that nothing is wrong!

Joe Biden continues to lie, falsely claiming inflation was at 9% when he took office. This forced even CNN to debunk his claims with a fact check that stated, “Biden’s claim that the inflation rate was 9% when he became president is not close to true. The year-over-year inflation rate in January 2021, the month of his inauguration, was about 1.4%.”

Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Stephanie Rhule recently stated on air that, “We need an economic explainer” because “people are confused, they’re exhausted, but they’re also doing quite well.”

Democrats and their allies in the media seem unable to comprehend that real Americans are actually not confused or doing quite well in this economy.

Statement from Team Rick Scott Spokesman Will Hampson: “This latest CPI report shows that the American people are hurting, and Democrats are too delusional to help them. Joe Biden continues to lie about the problem he created. He can’t afford to be honest with voters. Meanwhile, the media keeps sticking up for Biden, like MSNBC claiming that the American people are actually too dumb and confused to see how well they are doing in this economy, in spite of recent polling showing more than one in four Americans is needing to skip meals to make ends meet. Democrats are going to continue to lie and make the problem worse until voters hold them accountable in November.”



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