ICYMI: Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Buy American and help stop China

ICYMI: Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Buy American and help stop China

Rick Scott for Senate

TAMPA, Fla. – In case you missed it, Senator Scott penned an op-ed in Fox News, explaining the importance of buying American products and fighting influence from the Communist Chinese Party.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott says, “Most folks I talk to wish it was easier to buy American-made products. It’s often more convenient to choose a product made in Communist China over one made in the USA, and as President Joe Biden’s high prices rage on, it’s often cheaper too. But I want every American to think about this: Every time you buy a product made in Communist China you are supporting a government that is trying to destroy our way of life.

“If we want to protect American jobs, end our reliance on countries like Communist China and stop supporting evil regimes that hate us, we need to use our votes and pocketbooks to force change.

“All over the country there are incredible American businesses making great products, and they need our support. I’ve been visiting a number of them in Florida as part of my Buy American Tour, thanking them for what they do and reassuring them I’ll always fight to allow them to continue their great work here in the USA. Buying American helps invigorate our local communities while fighting the influences of the CCP.

“The stakes are too high to ignore. We have a golden opportunity to secure a prosperous future for our country, free from the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party.

“We can recommit to the principles that made America great: innovation, resilience, and unwavering dedication to our workers and industries. By doing so, we can ensure our nation remains strong, independent and a beacon of freedom for generations to come.”

The op-ed can be read in its entirety in Fox News HERE.



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