DMP Denies Biden’s Dangerous Border Crisis

DMP Denies Biden’s Dangerous Border Crisis

Tampa, FL – Failed Florida Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell took to social media yesterday to defend Democrats disastrous border policies. According to her, anyone who talks about Biden’s border crisis is “extreme” and spreading “disinformation.” This absurd statement is straight out of Joe Biden’s playbook.

Biden and his administration have been telling Americans that the border is secure which couldn’t be further from the truth. Under Biden and Democrats, record numbers of illegal immigrants and record amounts of deadly drugs have poured across the border. Mucarsel-Powell’s statement is even more absurd considering recent reports that last month over 260,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended – the highest monthly total ever recorded. Biden’s border crisis is so bad that veterans are being kicked out of their housing to make room for illegal immigrants.

Statement from team Rick Scott Press Secretary Jonathan Turcotte: “It’s downright dishonest for Debbie Mucarsel-Powell to claim that Biden’s open border is disinformation. It’s not extreme to call out the Biden Administration for their disastrous border policies. What is extreme is pretending that there is no border crisis while American communities are being overwhelmed by record numbers of illegal immigrants. DMP would rather repeat Biden Administration talking points than acknowledge the truth and propose solutions.”


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