Author: Jonathan Turcotte

Tampa, FL – Last week, as turmoil wreaks havoc over Haiti, Joe Biden was forced to send in the U.S. military to help evacuate American embassy personnel. This marked the 11th embassy evacuation Joe Biden has overseen – the most by any President in U.S. history. With the United States a laughingstock on...

Tampa, FL – As Florida families feel the pain of Bidenomics every time they go to the grocery store, the Biden Administration continues to try to pass the buck. Grocery prices have soared since before the pandemic, up 25%. While Biden tried to use his State of the Union to, without evidence, blame...

Tampa, FL – As the Ortega-Murillo regime continues to persecute and attack the Catholic community in Nicaragua, Senator Scott and a number of his colleagues are calling on the Biden Administration to stand with the people of Nicaragua, defend human rights and hold the Ortega-Murillo regime accountable by imposing additional sanctions. While Senator Scott is fighting in the...

Tampa, FL – Recent legislation passed the House that would ban TikTok in the U.S. if parent company ByteDance, a Chinese-owned corporation forced to share users' data with the Chinese Communist Party, doesn't divest ownership. The bill now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to have...

Tampa, FL – This week, Joe Biden unveiled his monstrous $7.3 trillion budget with $5.5T in tax hikes. This is amidst one of the worst economies since the great recession. Meanwhile, economists are starting to wonder whether the Biden Administration will ever be capable of getting inflation down. Inflation this...

Tampa, FL – With the upcoming retirements of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, who both stood up to their own party to preserve the filibuster, Chuck Schumer believes the door is open for his radical senate candidates to help finally eliminate this important tool if they...

Tampa, FL – Last week, every Senate Democrat voted to allow illegal aliens to be counted in the census for the purpose of giving additional House seats and Electoral College votes to Democrats. In the midst of the worst border crisis we've ever seen, Democrats are voting to...

Tampa, FL – Floridians deserve to know if Florida Democrats’ leading Senate candidate agrees with Joe Biden on the major issues ahead of Biden’s speech tonight. We know Joe Biden is going to lie and paint a rosy picture of what’s going on in the...